How to run Half-Life Oz Deathmatch on Linux

1. We recommend running the most recent version of Debian Server, which can be downloaded here:  You can run with the desktop but you really don't need it and it just uses up resources that can be put to better use running your game server, everything you need to run your server can be found at the console. When you install Linux, please make sure you install ONLY the "SSH Server", and "Standard system utilities" you do not need any of the other software offered.  You will also need to configure a static IP address and hostname for your server.

2. Got to and follow the instructions for Half-Life install for your OS, we recommend Debian Server.

3. Go to and follow the instructions for configuring your ozdm server.

4. Then log in as root (if you do not have root access because you are in a shared hosting environment, you will need to speak with the system admin so they can do this for you) and navigate to /usr/lib

5. Enter wget

6. Then log out and log in as the user you created in Step 1, and navigate to /valve/dlls

    If this is an upgrade to hl or if an upgrade has been forced by steam then you must remove the in the /valve/dlls folder prior to executing the next step in this process.

7. wget

8. At the prompt enter ./hldmserver stop

9. Create or modify your configuration, MOTD, multiplayer, Map Cycle, Maps, Sounds, etc.

10. Enter ./hldmserver start

11. You can type ./hldmserver console to get to the server's console or "logout" to end your session but leave the game server running.

You should now see that your server is running as "Half-Life ozdm" in the servers list of your steam app.


NOTE: These instructions expect that you have some working knowledge of using the Linux Operating System from the CLI.  You may also want to install Webmin to assist you in creating a Fast Download Server.

Many thanks to <ACR> Kizzy for helping us to get Oz Death Match up and running on Linux.