

       "911" // Word trigger for emergency
       "912" // Word trigger for wrong number
       "abb" // Word trigger for ask me who
       "abw" // Word trigger for allie cat under the boardwalk
       "al" // Word trigger allie cats theme song
       "ali" // Word trigger for go ask alice jefferson airplane
       "alive" // Word trigger for its alive
       "all" // Word trigger for thats all folks
       "an" // Word trigger for i am really angry
       "ar" // Word trigger for argui theme song
       "ass" // Word trigger for going to kick your ass
       "bar" // Word trigger for baracuda heart
       "bat" // Word trigger for batman's theme song
       "bath" // Word trigger for clean up in the bathtub
       "bc" // Word trigger for badco's theme song
       "bd" // Word trigger for thats bad
       "bda" // Word trigger for break down ahead
       "beck" // Word trigger for beck jeff beck
       "beer" // Word trigger for homers i need a beer
       "beh" // Word trigger for behave
       "bend" // Word trigger for ok bend over
       "bit" // Word trigger for bitch bitch bitch
       "bite" // Word trigger for another one bites the dust
       "bitn" // Word trigger for stop your bitchen
       "blo" // Word trigger for i'll blow your fricken head off
       "boa" // Word trigger for under the board walk
       "boo" // Word trigger for boogie man
       "boom" // Word trigger for boom
       "bp" // Word trigger for baby pussy
       "bp1" // Word trigger for bad puddy cat
       "brb" // Word trigger for i'll be back
       "bridges" // Word trigger for stars in the southern nights eagles
       "bse" // Word trigger for crazy laugh
       "btth" // Word trigger for boot to the head
       "bug" // Word trigger for bugs bunny
       "bye" // Word trigger for good bye
       "ca" // Word trigger for campers
       "cab" // Word trigger for cow and bell sound
       "cant" // Word trigger for cant touch this
       "cb" // Word trigger for cow bell
       "ch" // Word trigger for christmas
       "che" // Word trigger for cheater
       "chevy" // Word trigger for chevy's theme song
       "chew" // Word trigger for kick ass and chew gum
       "chic" // Word trigger for chicken
       "chosen" // Word trigger for chosen's theme song
       "cl" // Word trigger for call it a loan
       "cla" // Word trigger for clair de lune claude debussy
       "clark" // Word trigger for mr clark's theme song
       "cm" // Word trigger for angry cat
       "con" // Word trigger for conan's theme song
       "cor" // Word trigger for coraspon espinad santana
       "crap" // Word trigger for aw crap
       "cron" // Word trigger for mechanics theme song
       "da" // Word trigger for dalek
       "dead" // Word trigger for dead cat
       "did" // Word trigger for did i just score
       "die" // Word trigger to randomly select 1 of multiple sounds
       "dode" // Word trigger for chipmonks dode
       "dode2" // Word trigger for chipmonks dode with a beat
       "doh" // Word trigger for doh
       "don" // Word trigger for donald duck
       "dr" // Word trigger for doctor's theme song
       "dru" // Word trigger for sister got drunk
       "dry" // Word trigger for drydie's theme song
       "dtd" // Word trigger for down the drain bos scaggs
       "dtm" // Word trigger for look done bos scaggs
       "du" // Word trigger for duke of earl
       "dude" // Word trigger for dude
       "ele" // Word trigger for elevate's theme song
       "em" // Word trigger for earth move carly simon
       "eu" // Word trigger for eugene pink floyd
       "fa" // Word trigger for fart in your direction
       "fee" // Word trigger for i feel good
       "fl" // Word trigger for flash's theme song
       "flu" // Word trigger for toilet flush
       "fre" // Word trigger for freebird
       "fuz" // Word trigger for fuzz ball
       "gbs" // Word trigger for georgia by bos scaggs
       "gd" // Word trigger for thats good
       "gdz" // Word trigger for godzilla
       "geo" // Word trigger for ray charles georgia
       "ger" // Word trigger for cheater in german
       "gg" // Word trigger for good game
       "gol" // Word trigger for gollum's theme song
       "got" // Word trigger for got you bitch
       "gr" // Word trigger for grim's theme song
       "gro" // Word trigger for puma roar
       "guc" // Word trigger for going up the country
       "hack" // Word trigger computer hacking
       "haha" // Word trigger for haha
       "harl" // Word trigger for harbor lights
       "haw" // Word trigger for country boy
       "hc" // Word trigger for hot child in the city nick gilders
       "hcc" // Word trigger for hard candy christmas dolly parton
       "he" // Word trigger for kids laugh
       "hello" // Word trigger for hello
       "hey" // Word trigger for laser lips
       "hi" // Word trigger for 3 stooges hello
       "hj" // Word trigger for hey joe
       "hm" // Word trigger for this old heart of mine bos scaggs
       "ho" // Word trigger for you are gay
       "hol" // Word trigger for holy shit
       "hom" // Word trigger for spanking and call me daddy
       "howl" // Word trigger for wolf howl
       "hs" // Word trigger for head shot
       "idiot" // Word trigger for you are an idiot
       "ijg" // Word trigger for i just go bos scaggs
       "ina" // Word trigger for ina goda de vida iron butterfly
       "itl" // Word trigger for its too late carly simon
       "jbr" // Word trigger for jingle bell rock
       "jcn" // Word trigger for just call my name carly simon
       "jg" // Word trigger for janies got a gun
       "jo" // Word trigger for joesph theme song
       "jojo" // Word trigger for jojo bos scaggs
       "jump" // Word trigger for jump's theme song
       "junk" // Word trigger for junk's theme song
       "kis" // Word trigger for a big wet kiss
       "klink" // Word trigger for Col Klink theme song
       "kr" // Word trigger for kiss the rain annie lennox
       "kuk" // Word trigger for kuk theme song
       "lead" // Word trigger for lead pig's theme song
       "lmd" // Word trigger for loan me a dime bos scaggs
       "lol" // Word trigger for laughing out loud
       "lp" // Word trigger for i am trying to hibernate
       "ls" // Word trigger for lido shuffle bos scaggs
       "m" // Word trigger for this will get messy
       "mag" // Word trigger for mr magoo
       "maj" // Word trigger for major's theme song
       "mak" // Word trigger for make my day
       "marg" // Word trigger for margaritaville
       "mc" // Word trigger for mercy
       "med" // Word trigger for medic
       "medi" // Word trigger for what is the medical emergency
       "meow" // Word trigger for cat meow
       "mer" // Word trigger for merlin's theme song
       "mine" // Word trigger for access denied
       "mons" // Word trigger for monster mash
       "moo" // Word trigger for cow mooing
       "net" // Word trigger for surfers theme song
       "nice" // Word trigger for nice move dumb ass
       "nicky" // Word trigger for little nicky's theme song
       "nlu" // Word trigger for no more love annie lennox
       "no" // Word trigger for no
       "noo" // Word trigger for i didn't do it
       "ns" // Word trigger for nice shot
       "nud" // Word trigger for the streak
       "nut" // Word trigger for nutter's theme song
       "off" // Word trigger for its official you suck
       "oh" // Word trigger for failure to communicate
       "ok" // Word trigger for ok
       "one" // Word trigger for i am the one and only
       "oop" // Word trigger i just tore my pants
       "osb" // Word trigger for one sneaky bastard
       "ow" // Word trigger for ow
       "pa" // Word trigger for i am paranoid
       "papa" // Word trigger for papa james brown
       "pay" // Word trigger for you will pay for this
       "pee" // Word trigger for pee ka boo
       "pg" // Word trigger for peter gunn tiajuana brass
       "ph" // Word trigger for purple haze
       "pi" // Word trigger for poison ivy
       "pig" // Word trigger for piggy weeeeee
       "pm" // Word trigger for piano man billy joel
       "pre" // Word trigger for the great pretender
       "purr" // Word trigger for cat purr
       "put" // Word trigger for put them up
       "quest" // Word trigger for quest's theme song
       "ra" // Word trigger for i can see clearly now
       "raid" // Word trigger for raid bug killer
       "rain" // Word trigger for rain drops
       "rap" // Word trigger rapture blondie
       "rb" // Word trigger for running blue
       "rmw" // Word trigger for rocky mountain way
       "rock" // Word trigger for back in black
       "sa" // Word trigger for good kill cheers
       "said" // Word trigger for who said that
       "sand" // Word trigger for sandmans theme song
       "sat" // Word trigger for satisfaction rolling stones
       "sc" // Word trigger for smelly cat
       "sda" // Word trigger for sweet dreams annie lennox
       "sdm" // Word trigger for sharp dressed man zz top
       "se" // Word trigger for searching
       "sfa" // Word trigger for so far away carly simon
       "sh" // Word trigger for stair way to heaven
       "sha" // Word trigger for killer one time's theme song
       "shat" // Word trigger for shattered rolling stones
       "shin" // Word trigger for shin's theme song
       "shot" // Word trigger for get your whole head in front of the shotgun
       "shove" // Word trigger for shove up your butt
       "sj" // Word trigger for smack water jack carly simon
       "skull" // Word trigger for skull thumper's theme song
       "slap" // Word trigger for slap to get their attention
       "smooth" // Word trigger for smooth santana
       "so" // Word trigger for the eagles south
       "spe" // Word trigger for speedy gonzales
       "spit" // Word trigger for spit's theme song
       "sry" // Word trigger for sorry
       "sta" // Word trigger for statement
       "ste" // Word trigger for stealth's theme song
       "storm" // Word trigger for quiet storm's theme song
       "sut" // Word trigger for shutup
       "sw" // Word trigger for smoke on the water
       "sweet" // Word trigger for sweet emotion
       "sy" // Word trigger for sorry
       "tar" // Word trigger for tarzans theme song
       "ten" // Word trigger can you shut up for 10 seconds
       "ter" // Word trigger for bearingup theme song
       "tg" // Word trigger for touch of gray
       "thk" // Word trigger for i am trying to think but nothing happens
       "tig" // Word trigger for tiger growl
       "til" // Word trigger for tilduh's theme song
       "tir" // Word trigger for take it on the run
       "tj" // Word trigger for tj's theme song
       "to" // Word trigger for today jefferson airplane
       "tommy" // Word trigger for tommy's theme song
       "trin" // Word trigger for trinity's theme song
       "tusk" // Word trigger for tusk fleetwood mac
       "twist" // Word trigger for twist chubby checker
       "u" // Word trigger for you sneak
       "ubas" // Word trigger for you bastards
       "ud" // Word trigger for you will die mortal
       "unf" // Word trigger for unforgetable nat king cole
       "usb" // Word trigger for you sneaky bastard
       "wbg" // Word trigger for walking on broken glass annie lennox
       "wc" // Word trigger for white christmas
       "wcm" // Word trigger for the wind cries mary
       "we" // Word trigger for dr green thumbs
       "whi" // Word trigger for white rabbit jefferson airplane
       "who" // Word trigger for dr who
       "wl" // Word trigger for where you lead carly simon
       "wo" // Word trigger for don't worry be happy
       "wr" // Word trigger for white room cream
       "ws" // Word trigger for waywerd son
       "wsp" // Word trigger for whiter shade of pale
       "wtw" // Word trigger for wheres the walrus
       "yea" // Word trigger for yeah baby
       "ygf" // Word trigger for you've got a friend carly simon
       "yo" // Word trigger for yo
       "ysv" // Word trigger for your so vain carly simon